A dynamic, action-packed scene set in the world of a classic fighting game, "Street Fighter II." The focus is on Ryu, a determined martial artist with a muscular build, wearing a white gi with a red headband, showcasing his iconic scar on the left brow. His stance is powerful, fists clenched, exuding intensity and focus. The background features an urban setting with neon lights and a bustling crowd, capturing the essence of a street battle. Vivid colors contrast the dark alley, with graffiti art on the walls and a flickering street lamp illuminating the scene. Ryu's signature items include a glowing Hadouken energy ball forming in his right hand, radiating blue energy. The atmosphere is charged with tension, as spectators cheer and the air crackles with adrenaline, embodying the spirit of competition and martial arts mastery.
الخطوة 1: أدخل النص الخاص بك (يمكنك تعديل الموجه للحصول على نتائج أفضل)
الخطوة 2: اختر نسبة عرض إلى ارتفاع الصورة
الخطوة 3: اختر نموذج Flux الخاص بك:
الخطوة 4: اضغط على زر الإنشاء وانتظر بضع ثوانٍ للحصول على صورتك