In a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis, neon-clad rebels stealthily infiltrate a towering corporate stronghold, their figures silhouetted against a backdrop of pulsating holograms and flickering screens. The scene is drenched in vibrant hues of electric blue, fiery magenta, and toxic green, casting an otherworldly glow on the sleek, reflective surfaces of the building. The rebels, adorned in augmented reality visors and glowing tattoos, move with precision through a dimly lit corridor, their breath visible in the chilled air. One rebel, a fierce woman with short, iridescent hair, deftly plants a digital virus into the mainframe, her fingers dancing across a holographic interface. Shadows loom ominously, while the distant hum of machinery and the occasional crackle of static create an eerie atmosphere. Outside, rain-soaked streets reflect the chaos of the city, with flickering neon signs advertising corporate dominance, a stark contrast to the rebels' defiance.
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