In a sprawling, neon-lit wasteland, cyborg children with luminous blue and green circuitry woven into their skin play amidst the crumbling remnants of a once-thriving city, where towering skyscrapers are now mere shadows against a vibrant, electric sky. They dart between rusted metal beams and shattered glass, their laughter echoing like music through the air, as holographic butterflies flit around them, casting iridescent reflections on their faces. The ground is a patchwork of glowing graffiti and phosphorescent moss, illuminating their playful antics in hues of pink and violet. One child, with a half-metallic arm, is crafting intricate shapes from swirling shadows, while another, with bright orange hair and augmented eyes, watches in awe. Above, flickering neon signs and broken billboards flicker with cryptic messages, their glow creating a surreal dreamscape where imagination reigns, and the essence of hope flickers like a distant star amidst the ruins.
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