A dynamic fighting scene inspired by the classic arcade game "Street Fighter II," showcasing Ryu, the iconic martial artist. Ryu stands in a powerful stance, his muscular build accentuated by a white gi, tattered at the edges, with a red headband fluttering in the wind. His intense gaze reflects determination and focus. The background features a vibrant urban setting, with neon lights and graffiti-covered walls, reminiscent of a bustling street in Tokyo. The ground is cracked from previous battles, adding to the gritty atmosphere. Ryu's signature Hadouken energy ball glows with a bright blue aura, illuminating his determined expression. The overall mood is electrifying, filled with anticipation and adrenaline, capturing the essence of high-stakes combat. The color palette is bold and saturated, emphasizing the action and intensity of the fight, inviting viewers into the heart of this legendary brawl.
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