In a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis, metallic rain cascades from a glowing, neon-lit sky, each droplet shimmering like liquid mercury as it hits the ground. Beneath a colossal holographic advertisement pulsating with electric blues and vibrant pinks, a circle of cybernetic monks sits cross-legged on a slick, reflective surface, their augmented bodies adorned with luminescent tattoos that pulse rhythmically. Ethereal streams of digital energy flow from their fingertips, coiling upward in intricate patterns, illuminating the darkened alley with a soft, otherworldly glow. The air is thick with an electric hum, and the scent of rain mingles with the metallic tang of technology. Surrounding the monks, towering skyscrapers loom, their facades draped in cascading vines of bioluminescent plants, creating a surreal juxtaposition of nature and machinery, while the atmosphere vibrates with the harmony of ancient meditation and futuristic innovation.
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