A cinematic scene from the iconic JRPG Final Fantasy VII, featuring the noble beast Nanaki (Red XIII) in the foreground. His fiery red fur gleams in the moonlight, adorned with tribal feathers and beads. His single golden eye glows with ancient wisdom, while a flaming tail sways behind him. Nanaki stands atop a cliff overlooking the dystopian metropolis of Midgar, its massive plate looming above the slums below. Green tendrils of Mako energy swirl in the night sky, casting an eerie glow on the industrial landscape. In the distance, the Shinra headquarters tower pierces the skyline. Nanaki's companions can be seen in silhouette: Cloud with his massive Buster Sword, Tifa in her fighting stance, and Aerith holding her staff. The scene exudes a blend of sci-fi and fantasy elements, with a somber yet determined atmosphere. Hyper-detailed, photorealistic style with dramatic lighting and rich, saturated colors reminiscent of Yoshitaka Amano's artwork.
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