In a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis, the neon-lit skyline shimmers with electric blues, vibrant pinks, and pulsating purples, casting a surreal glow over the rain-slicked streets below. Towering skyscrapers adorned with holographic advertisements loom overhead, their glass facades reflecting the chaotic dance of light. Amidst this electric chaos, a duo of cybernetic vigilantes stands poised on a rooftop, their sleek, augmented bodies gleaming under the neon haze. One, clad in a dark, high-tech trench coat, sports a visor that glows with shifting data streams, while the other, with luminous tattoos snaking across their arms, grips a futuristic weapon that hums with energy. Below, shadowy figures dart through the alleys, secrets hidden in their grasp, as the air crackles with tension and the distant hum of drones patrols the night sky, creating an atmosphere thick with intrigue and danger.
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