In a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis, a neon fog envelops the slick, rain-soaked streets, casting an ethereal glow in shades of electric blue and vivid magenta. Towering skyscrapers loom overhead, their glass facades reflecting pulsating advertisements and holographic displays that flicker like restless spirits. Shadows stretch and twist, elongated by the soft, diffused light, whispering forgotten secrets in a language only the night understands. A lone figure, clad in a tattered trench coat illuminated by the glow of a nearby neon sign, stands at the edge of an alleyway, their face obscured by a high-tech visor that glimmers with data streams. Wisps of fog curl around their feet, creating an otherworldly aura, while the distant hum of drones fills the air, blending with the low thrum of synth music echoing from a hidden club. The atmosphere is thick with mystery and nostalgia, inviting the viewer to unravel the stories hidden within the luminous haze.
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