In a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis, neon-lit rooftops pulse with vibrant hues of electric blue and fuchsia, casting a surreal glow over the urban landscape. Wisps of electric haze swirl through the air, illuminated by flickering holographic advertisements and the soft hum of drones overhead. Two augmented spies, clad in sleek, dark tactical gear with glowing circuitry patterns, stand at the edge of a rooftop, their visors reflecting the kaleidoscope of colors around them. One leans over a holographic interface, fingers dancing across the translucent screen, while the other glances around, vigilant, with a faint smirk revealing a hint of confidence. Below, the chaotic streets buzz with life, a blur of cyborgs and neon signs, while distant sirens wail, adding to the electric atmosphere. The scene captures the essence of a high-stakes exchange, where shadows and light intertwine in a world where technology and intrigue collide.
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