In a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis, neon-lit rooftops pulse with vibrant hues of electric blue and hot pink, casting a surreal glow over the rain-slicked streets below. Augmented dreamers, adorned with luminescent tattoos and sleek visors, gather on the edge of a rooftop garden, their eyes reflecting the kaleidoscope of colors around them. Wisps of holographic projections swirl in the air, depicting visions of forgotten futures—crumbling skyscrapers entwined with bioluminescent vines, and flying cars zipping through a haze of neon fog. The atmosphere is thick with a sense of nostalgia and longing, as the dreamers share whispered secrets, their breath visible in the cool night air. Above, a massive digital billboard flickers with cryptic messages, while distant sirens wail, blending into the pulsating rhythm of the city. The scene is alive with energy, a vivid tapestry of light and shadow, where the past and future collide in a mesmerizing dance.
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