In a sprawling cyberpunk cityscape, neon-lit ruins rise majestically against a twilight sky, their crumbling facades adorned with vibrant graffiti that glows in electric blues and purples. Shadows dance among the skeletal remains of skyscrapers, where augmented scavengers, clad in tattered, high-tech gear, sift through the debris, their cybernetic limbs glinting in the fluorescent haze. Wisps of fog curl around their feet, illuminated by the flickering light of holographic advertisements that cling to the walls. Rusted vehicles, half-buried in overgrown vines, serve as makeshift shelters, while the scavengers' visors reflect the haunting glow of forgotten relics—old-world gadgets and glimmering artifacts—waiting to be unearthed. Above, a massive digital billboard flickers sporadically, casting an eerie light on the scene, as the distant hum of drones echoes through the air, creating a sense of both nostalgia and urgency in this hauntingly beautiful dystopia.
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