In a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis, neon-lit rooftops glisten under a twilight sky, their vibrant hues of electric blue, pulsating pink, and fiery orange reflecting off rain-slicked surfaces. Silhouetted against this kaleidoscope, two shadowy figures, clad in sleek, augmented gear, stand at the edge of a rooftop, their faces obscured by high-tech visors that flicker with digital readouts. They exchange stolen memories, glowing orbs of shimmering light that pulse with ethereal energy, casting an otherworldly glow on their tense expressions. Wisps of steam rise from vents below, mingling with the distant hum of drones zipping through the air, while holographic advertisements flicker and dance in the background, illuminating the scene with a surreal vibrancy. The atmosphere is thick with anticipation, a silent tension that hangs heavy as the city thrums with life, yet these thieves remain shrouded in secrecy, their heist cloaked in the neon haze of a restless night.
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