A serene landscape unfolds at dawn, with a radiant sunrise casting golden rays over a tranquil valley. In the foreground, a diverse group of people—young and old, of various ethnicities—stand together, their faces illuminated with expressions of hope and strength. They are gazing upward, where a luminous figure representing the Lord, cloaked in soft, flowing robes, extends a hand toward them, symbolizing everlasting strength. Ethereal light surrounds this figure, creating a halo effect. The sky is a blend of warm oranges and soft pinks, evoking a sense of peace and renewal. The scene is painted in a soft, impressionistic style, reminiscent of Claude Monet, with gentle brush strokes conveying emotion and warmth. The phrase "Let your heart be filled with hope, for the Lord is your everlasting strength.-December 18, 2024" elegantly arcs across the sky in flowing, cursive script, blending harmoniously with the natural beauty of the scene.
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