In a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis, neon-soaked streets pulse with vibrant energy, illuminated by a kaleidoscope of electric blues, hot pinks, and vivid purples. Towering skyscrapers, adorned with holographic advertisements, loom overhead, their glass facades reflecting the dazzling lights below. Amidst the thrumming bass and the hum of augmented musicians, a diverse ensemble of cybernetic artists, featuring a violinist with glowing circuitry and a drummer whose limbs are intricate machines, orchestrates a symphony of electric dreams. Wisps of digital smoke swirl around them, casting ethereal shadows on the rain-slicked pavement, where puddles mirror the neon glow. A crowd of entranced listeners, their faces aglow with augmented reality visors, sway to the rhythm, lost in a trance of sound and light. Above, a sky filled with drones captures the scene, their lights flickering like stars in this urban cosmos, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of sound and color that envelops the city.
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