A rogue hacker perches precariously on a neon-lit skyscraper ledge, her iridescent hair glowing against the smog-filled night sky. Her cybernetic arms extend, fingers splayed, manipulating ethereal code that floats before her. Below, a sea of holographic advertisements flickers and glitches as she rewrites their messages. The cityscape stretches endlessly, a maze of towering structures adorned with pulsing light veins. Streams of hover-traffic weave between buildings, leaving trails of electric blue. In the distance, a massive corporate ziggurat looms, its apex piercing the low-hanging clouds. Security drones with crimson scanning beams crisscross the air, searching for the digital vandal. The hacker's eyes gleam with determination, reflecting the kaleidoscope of colors from the city below. Her leather jacket is adorned with glowing circuitry patterns, and a neural interface jack protrudes from her temple. The air crackles with unseen data streams and the faint hum of electromagnetic fields.
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