In a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis, a darkened alley glows with vibrant neon hues, casting electric blues and purples across slick, rain-soaked pavement. Above, sleek drones with pulsating LED lights buzz ominously, their shadows flitting over the scene like harbingers of chaos. A group of hooded hackers, faces obscured by glowing visors, crouches near a high-tech corporate vault, their nimble fingers dancing over holographic interfaces that flicker with cascading code. The air is thick with tension, illuminated by the flickering neon signs of nearby bars and the distant hum of machinery. Graffiti murals of digital dragons and circuit patterns adorn the crumbling walls, contrasting with the sterile, imposing architecture of the corporate tower looming behind. A faint mist clings to the ground, refracting the neon lights into a kaleidoscope of colors, as the hackers prepare to unleash their digital assault, stealing secrets hidden within the vault's impenetrable depths.
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