A dynamic fighting game scene inspired by "Street Fighter II," showcasing Ryu in a classic street brawl setting. Ryu, a muscular martial artist with a white gi, red headband, and black belt, stands in a powerful stance, his expression fierce and focused. His signature move, the Hadouken, is charged in his hand, glowing with a vibrant blue energy. The background features an urban environment, with neon signs and a bustling cityscape, hinting at a late-night atmosphere filled with excitement. Shadows cast by flickering streetlights create a dramatic contrast, enhancing the intensity of the moment. The ground is cracked from previous battles, and an audience of diverse onlookers can be seen in the background, captivated by the action. The overall mood is electrifying and competitive, embodying the spirit of classic arcade fighting games.
1단계: 텍스트 입력 (더 나은 결과를 위해 프롬프트를 자유롭게 수정하세요)
2단계: 이미지 종횡비 선택
3단계: Flux 모델 선택:
4단계: 생성 버튼을 클릭하고 몇 초 동안 기다려 이미지를 생성하세요