In a neon-drenched alleyway of a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis, synthetic whispers swirl through the humid air, illuminated by the flickering glow of holographic advertisements. A towering figure, an augmented oracle, stands at the center, their translucent skin shimmering with bioluminescent circuitry, eyes glowing with deep azure light, revealing glimpses of hidden truths. Around them, wisps of digital data float like ghostly tendrils, intertwining with the shadows cast by crumbling skyscrapers draped in vibrant graffiti. The atmosphere is thick with a blend of electric blues and pulsating pinks, while rain-soaked pavement reflects kaleidoscopic colors. In the background, drones zip through the mist, casting soft, pulsing lights, while distant sirens wail, adding to the haunting symphony of the city. The oracle's outstretched hand beckons, fingers adorned with intricate, metallic rings, inviting onlookers to uncover secrets buried within the urban labyrinth.
1단계: 텍스트 입력 (더 나은 결과를 위해 프롬프트를 자유롭게 수정하세요)
2단계: 이미지 종횡비 선택
3단계: Flux 모델 선택:
4단계: 생성 버튼을 클릭하고 몇 초 동안 기다려 이미지를 생성하세요