In a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis, a vibrant neon skyline flickers to life, casting an electric glow over the scene. Towering skyscrapers, adorned with holographic advertisements in pulsating magentas and electric blues, loom overhead, their glass facades reflecting the chaotic beauty of the city. Beneath shadowed overpasses, a group of augmented informants huddles in the dim light, their cybernetic implants glinting like stars against the darkened concrete. The air is thick with a haze of humidity and the faint scent of rain-soaked asphalt, while the distant hum of hovercrafts buzzes like restless spirits. One informant, a woman with luminescent tattoos snaking up her arms, whispers secrets into a sleek, handheld device, her eyes flickering with the glow of augmented reality. Nearby, a man with a chrome-plated arm exchanges encrypted data, his silhouette framed by the neon glow, creating an atmosphere charged with intrigue and danger.
1단계: 텍스트 입력 (더 나은 결과를 위해 프롬프트를 자유롭게 수정하세요)
2단계: 이미지 종횡비 선택
3단계: Flux 모델 선택:
4단계: 생성 버튼을 클릭하고 몇 초 동안 기다려 이미지를 생성하세요