In a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis, neon-lit rooftops shimmer with electric hues of violet and emerald, their surfaces slick with rain, reflecting the pulsating glow of holographic advertisements. Wisps of electric haze swirl through the air, creating an ethereal atmosphere as augmented assassins, clad in sleek, biomechanical armor, blend seamlessly into the shadows. Their eyes glint with augmented reality displays, scanning the environment for their next target. Below, the streets are alive with flickering lights and the distant hum of drones, while graffiti art, vibrant and chaotic, adorns the crumbling concrete walls. A distant thunderstorm rumbles, casting fleeting shadows across the scene, as the assassins, poised and silent, navigate the precarious ledges, their movements fluid and predatory, ready to strike amidst the chaos of this neon-drenched urban jungle.
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