A fit athletic man stands confidently, showcasing a well-defined physique with broad shoulders and a toned torso. He has short, tousled brown hair, complemented by a light tan skin tone. His facial features are strong, with a square jawline, high cheekbones, and bright blue eyes that exude determination. He wears a fitted navy blue t-shirt that accentuates his muscular arms, paired with casual, slightly distressed light-wash jeans that sit comfortably on his hips. The jeans are rolled at the cuffs, revealing stylish white sneakers. His demeanor is relaxed yet focused, with a slight smile suggesting a friendly personality. He stands with one hand on his hip, the other holding a basketball, indicating he is about to engage in a game. The background features a sunny outdoor basketball court, with a few trees lining the edge, creating a vibrant, energetic atmosphere.
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