A majestic African elephant stands gracefully in a sun-drenched savanna at sunset. Its textured, wrinkled skin glistens with hues of dusty gray and earthy brown, reflecting the golden light. The elephant's large ears fan out, capturing the warm breeze, while its trunk delicately grazes the vibrant green grass, dotted with wildflowers. In the background, acacia trees silhouette against the fiery orange and deep purple sky, adding depth to the scene. The artistic style is hyper-realistic, emphasizing the intricate details of the elephant's skin and the lush surroundings. Soft, warm lighting casts gentle shadows, creating a serene, tranquil mood. The camera angle is low, capturing the elephant at eye level, enhancing its grandeur. A small herd of gazelles can be seen in the distance, adding life to the scene, while a distant mountain range completes the horizon, suggesting a vast, untamed wilderness.
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