In a bustling cyberpunk metropolis, rain-soaked streets shimmer like liquid glass, reflecting the vibrant hues of neon signs in electric pinks, deep blues, and vivid greens. Augmented reality billboards pulse with animated advertisements, their holographic images flickering and morphing as if alive, casting an otherworldly glow on the slick pavement. Wisps of fog curl around the towering skyscrapers, their surfaces adorned with intricate, luminescent patterns that shift and change. A solitary figure, cloaked in a sleek, dark trench coat, stands beneath a flickering streetlamp, their face obscured by a high-tech visor that glints with digital readouts. Shadows dance around them, as whispers of forgotten secrets echo through the alleyways, mingling with the distant hum of hovering vehicles. The atmosphere is thick with anticipation, a vibrant tapestry of technology and mystery, inviting the viewer to delve deeper into this rain-drenched urban dreamscape.
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