A cozy, cluttered home office scene filled with productivity tools like a laptop, notebooks, and colorful sticky notes scattered across a wooden desk. In the foreground, a whimsical character, a young adult with tousled hair and glasses, sits in a comfy chair, surrounded by an array of snacks: vibrant fruits, a towering stack of cookies, and an oversized bowl of popcorn. The character, wearing casual, mismatched clothing, has a playful expression, caught mid-bite, with crumbs on their cheek. Soft, warm lighting filters through a nearby window, casting gentle shadows and creating a relaxed atmosphere. The color palette features earthy tones with pops of bright colors from the snacks. Artistic style: a blend of cartoonish whimsy and realism, with detailed textures on the snacks and a slightly exaggerated, playful character design, evoking a lighthearted, humorous vibe.
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