In a neon-drenched cyberpunk metropolis, a rogue hacker interfaces with a sentient cityscape, their silhouette framed against towering skyscrapers adorned with pulsating holograms and flickering data streams. The atmosphere is thick with a haze of electric blue and vibrant magenta, casting an otherworldly glow on rain-slicked streets below. The hacker, clad in a sleek, dark trench coat, wears augmented reality goggles that reflect cascading lines of code and luminous city data. Around them, the city breathes—walls adorned with animated graffiti, bioluminescent vines snaking up steel beams, and drones zipping overhead, leaving trails of light. In the background, a colossal digital billboard flickers erratically, displaying cryptic messages, while the hum of machinery and distant sirens create a symphony of urban chaos. The scene pulses with energy, a visceral blend of technology and rebellion, inviting the viewer into a world where the line between man and machine blurs.
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