A cinematic scene from the iconic JRPG Final Fantasy VII, focusing on Cid Highwind. The gruff, middle-aged pilot stands in the foreground, his rugged features illuminated by the glow of his lit cigarette. He wears his signature blue jacket, goggles atop his head, and wields his long spear. Behind him, the massive airship Highwind looms against a stormy sky, its propellers spinning. The industrial city of Midgar is visible in the distance, its towering reactors piercing the clouds. Materia orbs glisten on Cid's weapon, hinting at magical abilities. The scene is rendered in a blend of realistic and stylized art, with vibrant colors and dramatic lighting reminiscent of Yoshitaka Amano's artwork. The atmosphere is tense and adventurous, with a sense of impending battle. Swirling Lifestream energy subtly weaves through the composition, tying the elements together and emphasizing the game's themes of nature versus technology.
Bước 1: Nhập văn bản của bạn (Hãy tự do chỉnh sửa gợi ý để có kết quả tốt hơn)
Bước 2: Chọn tỷ lệ khung hình của hình ảnh
Bước 3: Chọn mô hình Flux của bạn:
Bước 4: Nhấp vào nút Tạo và đợi vài giây để lấy hình ảnh của bạn