In a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis, a starlit skyline shimmers with neon hues of electric blue and vibrant magenta, casting a surreal glow over the rain-slicked streets below. A rogue data courier, clad in a sleek, reflective jacket adorned with pulsating circuit patterns, expertly navigates through a labyrinth of holographic obstacles that flicker and dance like ethereal spirits. Wisps of digital smoke swirl around him, illuminated by the soft luminescence of floating advertisements and augmented reality billboards. The air is thick with the hum of drones zipping overhead, their headlights piercing the twilight, while distant skyscrapers loom like giants, their facades draped in shimmering glass and chrome. Above, a crescent moon glows faintly, partially obscured by swirling clouds, adding an air of mystery to the bustling urban landscape. The scene pulsates with energy, capturing the essence of a world where technology and danger intertwine in a mesmerizing dance.
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