In a bustling cyberpunk metropolis, holographic advertisements flicker with vibrant hues of electric blue and neon pink, casting a surreal glow over the rain-slicked streets. Towering skyscrapers loom overhead, their glass facades reflecting the chaotic dance of light, while tendrils of steam rise from grates in the pavement. At the center of this neon-soaked chaos, two street samurai clash, their sleek, armor-clad figures illuminated by the pulsating glow of nearby billboards. One, adorned in a deep crimson kimono with intricate silver patterns, wields a shimmering katana that catches the light like a razor. The other, dressed in a matte black exosuit, brandishes a high-tech blade that hums with energy. Sparks fly as their weapons collide, creating a dazzling display amidst the swirling mist. In the background, a crowd of onlookers with cybernetic enhancements watches in awe, their faces illuminated by the kaleidoscope of colors surrounding them.
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