In a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis, a network of neon-lit rooftops stretches beneath a twilight sky, where holographic whispers flicker like ghostly echoes in the humid air. The scene is drenched in vibrant hues of electric blue and pulsating magenta, casting an ethereal glow on the rain-slicked surfaces. Silhouetted against the backdrop of towering skyscrapers adorned with animated billboards, two rogue data couriers, clad in sleek, dark attire with augmented visors, navigate the precarious ledges with feline grace. Their movements are fluid and stealthy, illuminated by the soft pulsing lights of their holographic wrist devices. Below, the chaotic streets teem with life, while above, the air crackles with tension and anticipation. Wisps of fog curl around the edges of the rooftops, blending with the neon illumination, creating a surreal atmosphere where technology and shadow intertwine in a dance of intrigue and danger.
Passo 1: Insira seu texto (Sinta-se à vontade para refinar seu prompt para melhores resultados)
Passo 2: Escolha a proporção da imagem
Passo 3: Selecione seu modelo Flux:
Passo 4: Clique no botão Gerar e aguarde alguns segundos pela sua imagem