In a neon-drenched alleyway of a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis, a lone figure stands shrouded in a billowing cloak, woven from shadows and flickering holograms, its edges pulsating with electric blue and deep violet hues. The air is thick with the scent of rain-soaked asphalt and the distant hum of drones buzzing overhead, casting erratic beams of light that dance across the slick surfaces. The figure, their face obscured by a high-tech visor displaying swirling data streams, raises a gloved hand, fingertips crackling with energy as they tear at the very fabric of reality, revealing a shimmering rift that pulses with iridescent colors. Surrounding them, towering skyscrapers loom like silent sentinels, their glass facades reflecting a kaleidoscope of neon signs and advertisements, while the distant echo of urban life fades into a haunting silence, amplifying the tension of this moment where the boundaries of existence blur.
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