In a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis, neon rain cascades from a darkened sky, creating a kaleidoscope of colors that dance upon slick, reflective surfaces. Towering corporate strongholds loom in the background, their glass facades illuminated by pulsating pinks, electric blues, and vibrant greens. Augmented thieves, clad in sleek, form-fitting gear adorned with glimmering circuitry, stealthily navigate the shadows, their visors flickering with data streams. One thief, a lithe figure with a cybernetic arm, deftly hacks a security panel, the glow of holographic interfaces casting an eerie light on their determined face. Rain-soaked streets glisten beneath their feet, while distant sirens wail, blending with the rhythmic thrum of neon signs. Above, a massive billboard flickers, advertising a dystopian utopia, contrasting sharply with the gritty reality below, as the thieves prepare to slip through the high-tech defenses, eager to steal the corporate secrets hidden within.
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