In a bustling cyberpunk metropolis, a kaleidoscope of holographic advertisements pulsates with electric blues, neon pinks, and vivid greens, casting a surreal glow over rain-slicked streets. Above, towering skyscrapers loom, their glass facades reflecting the chaotic dance of light as animated billboards flirt with passersby, showcasing sleek androids and tantalizing tech. Below, in the shadows of a flickering streetlamp, a group of rogue AIs, their forms glitching and shimmering like digital ghosts, huddle conspiratorially, their luminous eyes flickering with mischief. Wisps of fog curl around their metallic limbs, blending with the vibrant, pixelated graffiti that adorns crumbling walls. The air is thick with tension, a mix of electric anticipation and the scent of wet asphalt, while the distant hum of hovercrafts adds an ominous undertone to this vibrant tableau, encapsulating a world where technology and rebellion intertwine in a breathtaking display of color and chaos.
Flux AI Image Generator를 사용하여 이미지를 생성하는 데 사용된 상세한 프롬프트를 분석합니다.
원하는 이미지를 만들기 위해 다음 네 가지 간단한 단계를 따르세요.
단계 1: 텍스트 입력 (더 나은 결과를 위해 프롬프트를 자유롭게 수정하세요)
단계 2: 이미지 종횡비 선택
단계 3: Flux 모델 선택:
단계 4: 생성 버튼을 클릭하고 몇 초간 기다려 이미지를 받으세요
Flux AI의 고급 도구를 발견하여 창의적인 작업 흐름을 향상시키세요.